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Training Portfolio

  • Airport/Aviation security Awareness & Screening Techniques Training.

This is an introductory course on screening technique that can either be tailored to meet the needs of new employees at the security units or organized as an informative programme for non – security staff who need to understand screening process.

The Objective of this training programme is to prepare new staff for the challenges in the airport environment in order to make them security conscious and alert. It will also prepare the staff to meet some of the requirements of the National Civil Aviation Security Programme. The course is designed to examine the traditional techniques of passenger and baggage screening process. These techniques also include ways in which technology can enhance the security infrastructure. We emphasis the importance of “Common Sense Security” by looking at the limitation of each security technology and also give considerable attention to human factors through an examination of passenger behavioural analysis.

The second session focus on baggage search procedures, training participants to identify objects ranging from weapons to improvised explosive devices and narcotics to hazardous goods. Participant will be required to actively participate in body and bag searches during the course.


  • Passenger Profiling

Passenger profiling is a screening technique whereby the security operative determines the risk a passenger poses to a flight. The technique involves the analysis of the passenger travelling documents, behaviour and appearance.

The course programme offers a range of different profiling courses depending on their specific needs. The training approach is based primarily on behavioural analysis rather than the more contentious factors associated with racial profiling. We demonstrate that the human eyes are one of the most effective tools of the screening process and that risk determination does not have to be dependent on the in-depth questioning of every passenger. Questioning techniques however, are part of the process of profiling but knowing how and when to employ them is fundamental to the effectiveness of profiling as a screening method.

Proficiency comes only with practice. Therefore, this is an intensive course with daily test and exercises designed to evaluate participants’ comprehension of the material studied and their security sense.


  • Threat Assessment and Risk Management Training

This training gives general enlightenment on threat and risk assessment in the Nigerian environment. It looks at the use of risk management as an option in threat management and counter terrorism system as well as determining levels of acceptable risk and how air traffic control systems relate to these.


  • Cargo Security

Cargo Security, regarded by some as the Achilles Heel of the Aviation Security industry, is still in its infancy in many parts of the world.

The training approach to the subject of cargo security is based on the known shipper concept, but it translates the theory of the concept from bureaucratic procedure to an effective security regime.

Topics on this course include physical security measures, known shipper principles, documentation, incident reporting, supervision of physical security measures, management of programme and x-ray screening.

The programme, explains fully the principles of cargo screeners, supervisors and cargo managers perspectives in a way that are tailored to specific client needs and in accordance with individual state protocols.


  • Catering Security

Catering provides terrorist with option for the concealment of smaller weapons or explosives if supplies to aircraft are not carefully monitored and controlled.

Topics covered in this training programme include checking of consignment, the operation of known supplier system, documentation, patrol of control areas and the provision and management of catering security programme. Courses are tailored to specific client needs and in accordance with individual status protocol.


  • Multi Agency Threat and risk Assessment (MATRA)/Networking Activities of security Agents at our international Airports.

This focuses on the concepts and principles of managing aviation security operations within the unique environment of an international airport. The course content is based on ICAO standard and Recommended Practices and focuses on the protection of passengers, airport, aircraft, crew, ground personnel and general public. Practical exercises are used to reinforce classroom learning. The objectives of this course are:

  1. Promoting Team Work among the various Security Agencies manning the Airport.
  2. Providing the right Mental Attributes for Conflict Resolution.
  3. Enhancing the Alertness to Threat to Aviation Security and Focusing the Synergy of efforts towards achieving National Security.
  4. Review the General Security Awareness of all Security Personnel of organizations working at the Airports.
  5. Stimulate participants’ interest on how Aviation Crimes or Threat could jeopardize National Security.
  6. Gives overview of Aviation related Crimes and Threats.
  7. Offer Modern Methods and Techniques in Detection and Prevention of Aviation Crimes.
  8. Sensitize the Security Operators and the Airports to cooperate in the effort of combating Aviation Crimes.


  • Apron Drivers/Ancillary Workers Training

This training focuses on the operation of Drivers and other ancillary workers within the airport unique environment particularly the apron and other aircraft maneuvering areas such as the runways and taxiways. The course content like most other courses in aviation is based on ICAO Standards and recommended Practices (Annex 14).

The objectives that this course will focus will include:

  1. Exposing participants to the general hazards of the airport environment and rules guiding their operations on the apron and aircraft maneuvering areas.
  2. Differentiating between driving and behavioural habits in other public areas with the ethics and operation in the airport environment.
  3. Defining safety as the code word for staff operations on the apron and the maneuvering areas.
  4. Ensuring that participants will maintain the best practices of operation in their environment.


   Topics for the course will include:

  1. Aerodrome Layout & Facilities.
  2. Airfield Marking and Signs.
  3. Aviation Alphabets and Abbreviation.
  4. R/T Phraseology and Movement Procedures.
  5. Apron/Maneuvering Areas Ethics/Standards and Aerodrome Recommended Practices (ICAO Annex 14).
  6. Airport Security and Emergency Drill Awareness.

The duration of the course is 5 days.


  • Airport Emergency Management Training

This training is designed for the appreciation of airport emergency and other crisis in the airport and its environments as well as the procedure for managing such incidences for the safety of life and property. It looks deeply into the involvement of organizations and agencies outside the control of Nigerian Airspace Management Authority, which is the designated coordinator of airport emergencies and the main goal is broader view of crisis/management.

Training Programmes in Conjunction with our Foreign Technical Partners GREEN LIGHT of UK.


  • Hijack Management Training and Exercise

This training programme is designated in conjunction with our Foreign Technical Partner Green Light of UK aims to instill in Aircrew an appreciation of their individual importance to the effectiveness of the airline security. It is designated to equip Aircrew with techniques that may enhance their chances for survival. It also examines Threat indicators and Behavioural analysis as well as the traditional stages of hijacking: Hijack syndrome, Crew response and weapon & explosives recognition.


This training workshop is divided into 3 Phases:


  • Phase1 (Tailored Towards Airline Security)
  • Recognition of the Behavioural Pattern and Profiles of Passengers.
  • Recognition of Weapons and Explosive Materials.
  • Identification of various stages of Hijacking.
  • Managing and handling of stressful passengers and maintenance of a calm environment.
  • Influencing the mood of both the passengers and the hijackers.
  • Phase 2 (Tailored Towards Airspace Security). This workshop would interphase networking and Phase 1 above i.e. integrating Hijack Management Training Exercise with the Airport Emergency Procedure Programme and this will include the technique of Negotiation for designated Airports Security and the Hijackers.
  • Phases 3 may involve the extension of the conduct of phase 2 above to other international airports and in the process introduce an Intervention Force. Phase 2&3   are On-Location-Training.


  • Document Security

These training courses tend to focus on specific documents used on certain routes. In conjunction with our foreign technical Partner Green Light of UK the training programme concentrates on various methods of creating malafide documents from sample-altered passports to the more sophisticated counterfeit.

During the training, we examine paper security facilities including watermarks, fibres, planchettes, Security Threads, Micro-Text, Sea-Through Registers, Inks, Anti-Copying Device and Polymers. Additionally we analyse various print security technique such as offset, intaglio, letterpress, foil stamping, silksreen & iris.

A session on Document Protection is also included where participants will have opportunity to look at Covers, Endpapers, Book-block, Numbering, Binding, Embossing and the fixing of the Protective Foils.

The second phase of the programme includes the identification of forged, counterfeit, fantasy and camouflage documents during which we introduce Page Substitution, Photo Substitution and Alteration. We also look at Tactical Profiling (such as questioning) and Technical Profiling (face shape, bone structure, skin neck, nose, eye, mouth, ear and forehead analysis).

The course ends with a Travel Document Workshop where participants examine forged and counterfeit documents from a range of documents.

Participants will utilize IATA document Control Manual during the course. The industry recognized tool, to aid in the identification of forged and counterfeit travel document.


  • Threat Appreciation and Threat Management

Airport employees are regarded as part of the security web that safeguard the aviation industries. Mindful of this fact, the programme is designed specifically for checking staff, customer services representatives, ticket office staff and ground handling personnel. We provide an understanding of the threat to air transportation industry and inform them as to how they can play their part in preventing criminal acts taking place.

Additional training workshop can be designed for clients whose organizations face the threat of terrorism by providing their employees with the tools and training to best manage security. We always look at issue such as site search, bomb threat, procedure and control.


  • X-ray Image Interpretation

Advanced x-ray image interpretation is fast becoming a global requirement as regulatory bodies moved towards developing methods of certifying x-ray screeners and providing for their ability to successfully recognize contraband. Various software programmes such as Threat Image Projection (TIP) are recognized tools in this process.

This course provides training in all areas of x-ray image interpretation including Basic Image Recognition, Item Specific Detection (such as gun, knives or explosives) and Cargo Image Interpretation.


  • Disruptive Passenger Management/Passenger Restrain Training and Exercise

These training courses are aimed at preventing incidents of this nature occurring in the first place. This is reflected in the training programme by a study of passenger types, behavioural habits & traits and the likely responses to trigger factors. As for the Passenger Restrain, the approach takes into consideration what the aircrew is likely to remember at the length of an incident. These courses programmes have been designed in conjunction with our foreign Technical Partner Green Light of UK. The approaches to the courses are built on evidence-based psychological strategies and risk-assess potentially violent incidents rather than simply manage them. The programme includes a list of action to follow and actions to avoid.


  • Air Transportation of Dangerous Goods

This is an 8-day course designed to prepare government and industry specialists of Dangerous Goods and Cargo in the appropriate procedure for handling dangerous goods shipping. The training provides a thorough understanding of ICAO guidelines for the safe transportation of dangerous goods by Air. The curriculum includes packaging, labeling, marketing, handling and documenting dangerous goods shipment. Instruction on effective procedures for conducting dangerous goods assessment and inspection is also included.


Practical exercise and site visit to cargo handling facilities used to enhance the training and improve the participants’ skill. Interaction between participant and staff provides an opportunity to discuss specific issues of concern and to identify potential solution. Participants receive personal copies of resource information for keeps, including ICAO Technical instruction for Safe Transportation and

Other training programmes are:


  • Retraining Screeners in Aviation Security Screening Technique and Profiling (Passenger & Baggage).
  • Training for ICAO ATSP 1,2 & 3 and prepare them for NCAA Certification.
  • Airport Security Planning/Design and Management Training.





  • Airport Security Audits

The programme of Airport Audit or survey is a service that provides airport management with a confidential evaluation of the effectiveness of their security operation and measures their compliance with national and international standards. The audits programme cover surveys of all areas of the operation, the procedures, and the usage of manpower, staff training, technical maintenance provided and emergency response capability.

The auditors are initially shown around the site and once provided with appropriate passes, conduct their inspection unaccompanied over the course of a number of days. The audit normally encompasses, passenger terminals, cargo terminal/facilities catering facilities, the perimeter, car parks, public areas, fuel farms, all restricted zones, the runways and the control towers.

Most audits last about 5days and are carried out by 2-3 inspectors. The size of the area and operation may necessitate an increase or decrease in the time the auditors spend on location or number of auditors.

The audit will be conducted around the clock as opposed to during the official working hour.

The audit concludes with the representation of a summary of initial findings to the senior management. A formal report will be submitted within 15 working days of the audit conclusion.

  • Airline Security Audit

This is a service that provides the airline with a confidential evaluation of the effectiveness of their own security operations and those of airports they serve.

  • Develop Corporate Airline/Aviation Security Programme and Provide manual.
  • Aviation Security Personnel Recruitment & Training.
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